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Items Full Update


Edit most item fields no matter what status the item is in.

Making a request



HTTP Method



BDXAPI_NAMEBidlogix API Signature

Path Parameters

itemUuidUUID of the item you wish to update details for

Also see API Introduction.

API Model Request

All fields
NameTypeValue Range
titleStringThe title of the item - required for all items
summaryStringA short summary of the item or alternate information such as estimate of the sale price.
descriptionStringA full description displayed on the item details page.
lotNumberStringLot numbers cannot contain duplicate values.
purchaseOptionStringListing: 'NONE', 'MAKE_OFFER', 'BUY_NOW', 'TRANSFER', 'TENDER', 'TENDER_PCT'. Lot: 'NONE', 'MAKE_OFFER', 'BUY_NOW'. Webcast: ‘NONE’
unitOfMeasurementStringRequired for listings with the purchase options of TENDER or TENDER_PCT. For TENDER, the value should be the unit of measurement of the quantity provided e.g. 'Tonne'. For TENDER_PCT, the value is a label describing the nature of the % value being offered e.g. 'Discount on LME spot price'.
endTimeStringMust be in milliseconds.
displayPriceLongAn optional value to display on listings with a private treaty, or items for TRANSFER.
minimumAcceptableOfferLongApplies only if purchaseOption=MAKE_OFFER or BUY_NOW. If purchaseOption=MAKE_OFFER then offers including and below this amount will be automatically rejected. If purchaseOption=BUY_NOW then this field represents the buy now purchase price.
openingBidLongThe amount to show as the starting bid.
bidIncrementLongThe increment - may be ignored if the auctioneer is using increment tables! Not applicable to Listings.
reservePriceLongA price the item must fetch before being sold
biddingTypeLongCan be set to ONE_MONEY, PER_ITEM or PER_LOT. Quantity must be set to more than '1' for PER_ITEM to take affect.
buyersPremiumBigDecimal0 - 100
chargesBig Decimal0 - 100
chargesTaxRateBig Decimal0 - 100
hammerTaxRateBig Decimal0 - 100
bpTaxRateBig Decimal0 - 100
numberOfUnitsBigDecimalThe number of units available. Bidding is per item i.e. all units.
numberOfUnitsRemainingBigDecimalThe number of units remaining. Applies to BulkBuyItem only.
contactSellerEnabledBooleanEnables the contact vendor feature per item.
publicVisibleBooleanControls item visibility in the auction.
statusStringItem status, can be either DRAFT, LIVE or WITHDRAWN.
locationAddressModelsee Common Data document
currencyUuidUUIDValid currency UUID
vendorUuidUUIDValid vendor UUID.
categoryUuidUUIDValid category UUID



"title": "Update Listing Test - New Title",
"summary": "Update Listing Test - New Summary",
"description": "Update Listing Test - New Description",
"lotNumber": "1a",
"purchaseOption": "NONE",
"unitOfMeasurement": "beans",
"endTime": 32503680000000,
"displayPrice": 10,
"minimumAcceptableOffer": 11,
"openingBid": 12,
"bidIncrement": 2,
"reservePrice": 13,
"biddingType": "PER_LOT",
"buyersPremium": 10,
"bpTaxRate": 11,
"charges": 12,
"chargesTaxRate": 13,
"hammerTaxRate": 14,
"numberOfUnits": 15,
"numberOfUnitsRemaining": 2,
"contactSellerEnabled": true,
"publicVisible": true,
"status": "LIVE",
"location": {
"addressLine1": "new listing location line 1",
"addressLine2": "new listing location line 2",
"city": "new listing location city",
"county": "new listing location county",
"postcode": "new listing location postcode",
"latitude": "new listing location latitude",
"longitude": "new listing location longitude",
"countryCode": "UK"
"vendorUuid": "97fdce91-8ac0-11ee-ab70-0242c0a88005",
"categoryUuid": "97fc7dc0-8ac0-11ee-ab70-0242c0a88005",
"currencyUuid": "999d5d83-8ac0-11ee-ab70-0242c0a88005"


"message": "Item with uuid 2b22bfc9-8947-11ee-9a87-0242ac150002 has been successfully updated"


Errors are handled where possible by returning an ErrorModel with the field 'failed' set to true. The error model will contain a detailed message indicating the first errored field. The errors are generally related to incorrect types being sent in the fields above. For example the following fails because a 'string' value is sent in the 'charges' field which should contain a big decimal value.



"purchaseOption": "UNRECOGNISED"


"message": "Purchase Option must be one of NONE, MAKE_OFFER, BUY_NOW, TRANSFER, TENDER, TENDER_PCT"

Along with Status Code: 400 (Bad Request)

Call Details

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