Items Full Update
Edit most item fields no matter what status the item is in.
Making a request
HTTP Method
Key | Value |
BDXAPI_NAME | Bidlogix API Signature |
Content-Type | application/json |
Path Parameters
Parameter | Value |
itemUuid | UUID of the item you wish to update details for |
Also see API Introduction.
API Model Request
All fields
Name | Type | Value Range |
title | String | The title of the item - required for all items |
summary | String | A short summary of the item or alternate information such as estimate of the sale price. |
description | String | A full description displayed on the item details page. |
lotNumber | String | Lot numbers cannot contain duplicate values. |
purchaseOption | String | Listing: 'NONE', 'MAKE_OFFER', 'BUY_NOW', 'TRANSFER', 'TENDER', 'TENDER_PCT'. Lot: 'NONE', 'MAKE_OFFER', 'BUY_NOW'. Webcast: ‘NONE’ |
unitOfMeasurement | String | Required for listings with the purchase options of TENDER or TENDER_PCT. For TENDER, the value should be the unit of measurement of the quantity provided e.g. 'Tonne'. For TENDER_PCT, the value is a label describing the nature of the % value being offered e.g. 'Discount on LME spot price'. |
endTime | String | Must be in milliseconds. |
displayPrice | Long | An optional value to display on listings with a private treaty, or items for TRANSFER. |
minimumAcceptableOffer | Long | Applies only if purchaseOption=MAKE_OFFER or BUY_NOW. If purchaseOption=MAKE_OFFER then offers including and below this amount will be automatically rejected. If purchaseOption=BUY_NOW then this field represents the buy now purchase price. |
openingBid | Long | The amount to show as the starting bid. |
bidIncrement | Long | The increment - may be ignored if the auctioneer is using increment tables! Not applicable to Listings. |
reservePrice | Long | A price the item must fetch before being sold |
biddingType | Long | Can be set to ONE_MONEY, PER_ITEM or PER_LOT. Quantity must be set to more than '1' for PER_ITEM to take affect. |
buyersPremium | BigDecimal | 0 - 100 |
charges | Big Decimal | 0 - 100 |
chargesTaxRate | Big Decimal | 0 - 100 |
hammerTaxRate | Big Decimal | 0 - 100 |
bpTaxRate | Big Decimal | 0 - 100 |
numberOfUnits | BigDecimal | The number of units available. Bidding is per item i.e. all units. |
numberOfUnitsRemaining | BigDecimal | The number of units remaining. Applies to BulkBuyItem only. |
contactSellerEnabled | Boolean | Enables the contact vendor feature per item. |
publicVisible | Boolean | Controls item visibility in the auction. |
status | String | Item status, can be either DRAFT, LIVE or WITHDRAWN. |
location | AddressModel | see Common Data document |
currencyUuid | UUID | Valid currency UUID |
vendorUuid | UUID | Valid vendor UUID. |
categoryUuid | UUID | Valid category UUID |
- Example 1 - all fields changed
"title": "Update Listing Test - New Title",
"summary": "Update Listing Test - New Summary",
"description": "Update Listing Test - New Description",
"lotNumber": "1a",
"purchaseOption": "NONE",
"unitOfMeasurement": "beans",
"endTime": 32503680000000,
"displayPrice": 10,
"minimumAcceptableOffer": 11,
"openingBid": 12,
"bidIncrement": 2,
"reservePrice": 13,
"biddingType": "PER_LOT",
"buyersPremium": 10,
"bpTaxRate": 11,
"charges": 12,
"chargesTaxRate": 13,
"hammerTaxRate": 14,
"numberOfUnits": 15,
"numberOfUnitsRemaining": 2,
"contactSellerEnabled": true,
"publicVisible": true,
"status": "LIVE",
"location": {
"addressLine1": "new listing location line 1",
"addressLine2": "new listing location line 2",
"city": "new listing location city",
"county": "new listing location county",
"postcode": "new listing location postcode",
"latitude": "new listing location latitude",
"longitude": "new listing location longitude",
"countryCode": "UK"
"vendorUuid": "97fdce91-8ac0-11ee-ab70-0242c0a88005",
"categoryUuid": "97fc7dc0-8ac0-11ee-ab70-0242c0a88005",
"currencyUuid": "999d5d83-8ac0-11ee-ab70-0242c0a88005"
"message": "Item with uuid 2b22bfc9-8947-11ee-9a87-0242ac150002 has been successfully updated"
Errors are handled where possible by returning an ErrorModel with the field 'failed' set to true. The error model will contain a detailed message indicating the first errored field. The errors are generally related to incorrect types being sent in the fields above. For example the following fails because a 'string' value is sent in the 'charges' field which should contain a big decimal value.
- Example 1 - unrecognised value
"purchaseOption": "UNRECOGNISED"
"message": "Purchase Option must be one of NONE, MAKE_OFFER, BUY_NOW, TRANSFER, TENDER, TENDER_PCT"
Along with Status Code: 400 (Bad Request)